<aside> 🗓ī¸ Wednesdays at 7pm PST / 8pm MST / 10pm EST


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/162ca6a9-2691-4738-9d99-1f5f7a5d00a3/twitch-logo-4931D91F85-seeklogo.com.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/162ca6a9-2691-4738-9d99-1f5f7a5d00a3/twitch-logo-4931D91F85-seeklogo.com.png" width="40px" /> Watch the games on Moss's Twitch!


<aside> ℹī¸ More information on the server, including other PvP arenas, survival info, and available commands


<aside> 🔗 Server IP, make sure tell us where you came from when you first login so you can get whitelisted :



Welcome Champions! We will be hosting a Hunger Games match (or more) every Wednesday at 8pm MST.

There are only 16 slots per match of Hunger Games. The first match of the night will have a set roster, and after that, it will be first come first serve.

Watch the Games!

Harrison "mossflwer" - twitch.tv/mossflwer

How does the game work?

This game mode is based off of the popular "Hunger Games" books and novels, pitting a group of individuals against each other in combat for an extended period of time. One of the first Minecraft iterations of the game was created by the MCGamer Network, where it went on to become a very popular survival PvP game mode.

For this variant, 16 players will spawn on the map at a set spawn ring location, which also features the highest density of loot. Chests around the map are randomly filled with a variety of items which include weapons, food, potions, and armor. Players cannot bring any outside items in, and their survival inventories are restored after the game.

The goal: be the last player standing. A fair number of players will probably die early in the round, as the competition for the items in the center of the spawn area is likely to be tense. There is no time limit, although the goal with this map design was to promote rounds that last 15-45minutes.

Mechanics to note for players:

Streaming Notes